Notifications in Windows 10 can be a great tool, like flashing quick social updates, work-related messages, email alerts, reminders, and more. But they can be a pain as well, popping up during video conferences or heated shootouts in your favorite PC game. In this Windows 10 tips article we’ll show you how to use notifications in Windows 10 to get the best experience out this handy feature.
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In this guide you’ll find out how to snooze notifications, turn off notifications, and even move the pop-up. Here’s everything you need to know about how to use notifications in Windows 10.
How to dismiss notifications in Windows 10
1. On the taskbar, locate the “message” Action Center icon next to the system clock. If this is a full white icon, you have new notifications. If you have an icon with a white outline, there are no new notifications.
2. If you have notifications, click the message icon to open the Action Center.
3. On the roll-out panel, highlight the top-right of the notification you want to dismiss until you see the “X” icon. Click the “X” to dismiss the notification.
4. You can dismiss groups of notifications too. Highlight the associated app’s name, like Facebook or Slack, and click the “X” icon to clear all notifications associated with that app.
5. As shown above, you can click Clear all notifications to remove everything until the next notifications arrive.
How to mute notifications in Windows 10
1. Click on the “message” icon located to the right of the system clock on the taskbar. This opens the Action Center.
2. Click Expand if you don’t see more than four squares on your Actions panel. You’re looking for the Focus assist action button with the moon icon.
3. By default, Focus assist is off. Click the action button to enable Focus assist and put notifications into Priority only mode.
4. Select Focus assist again if you want notifications in Alarms only mode.
How to customize Focus Assist in Windows 10
1. Right-click on the Focus assist action button. You can also open the Settings app and navigate to System > Focus assist.
2. Scroll down to Automatic rules.
3. As shown above, you have four settings you can toggle on and off.
4. To set a specific time window you don’t want to see notifications, toggle on During these times and then click on this setting to set the start time, end time, repeats, and focus level.
5. You can also customize your priority list. On the main Focus assist window, click the Customize your priority list link listed under Priority only. Here you can set notifications for specific calls, texts, reminders, people, and apps.
How to change the time notifications appear in Windows 10
1. Click Start and then the “gear” icon located on the left side of the Start Menu to open the Settings app.
2. Select Ease of Access.
3. On the menu, select Display.
4. On the right, locate the Show notifications for setting.
5. Select between 5 seconds and 5 minutes in the drop-down menu.
How to turn off notifications in Windows 10
1. Click Start and then the “gear” icon located on the left side of the Start Menu to open the Settings app.
2. Select System.
3. In the menu on the left, select Notifications & actions.
4. Scroll down to the Notifications section.
5. As shown above, you will see five settings you can toggle on and off. Get notifications from apps and other senders will be the first setting you will want to toggle off.
How to turn off specific notifications in Windows 10
1. Click Start and then the “gear” icon located on the left side of the Start Menu to open the Settings app.
2. Select System.
3. In the menu on the left, select Notifications & actions.
4. Scroll down to the Get notifications from these senders section.
5. Toggle off the apps and services you don’t want flashing notifications.
How to customize app notifications in Windows 10
1. Click Start and then the “gear” icon located on the left side of the Start Menu to open the Settings app.
2. Select System.
3. Select Notifications & actions.
4. Scroll down to the Get notifications from these senders section and select the app you want to modify. For this example we used Discord.
5. On the next panel, you will typically see a long list of settings to toggle on or off, such as showing notification banners, notifications on the lock screen, and more. You can also set the number of notification banners you’ll see for that app in the Action Center.
How to move the notification pop-up in Windows 10
Note: This Windows 10 tweak requires editing the registry, meaning any change you make — on purpose or by mistake — could cause issues. Edit at your own risk.
1. In Cortana’s search field on the taskbar, type Registry Editor.
2. Select the Registry Editor desktop program in the results.
3. On the left, expand HKEY_CURRENT_USER.
4. Expand Software.
5. Expand Microsoft.
6. Expand Windows.
7. Expand CurrentVersion.
8. Highlight Explorer but don’t expand.
9. On the right panel, right-click in a blank area, select New, and then DWORD (32-bit) Value.
10. Name this new value as DisplayToastAtBottom.
11. Right-click on the new entry and choose Modify.
12. Change the value data to 1.
13. Click OK.
14. Close the Registry Editor.
15. Restart your PC.
That’s all for our how to use notifications in Windows 10 guide. For more Windows 10 guides, check out these articles:
- How to stream the Xbox One to Windows 10
- How to text with iMessages in Windows 10
- How to split your screen in Windows 10
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