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This week in Android: Huawei P30 Pro review and the death of Inbox

Huawei P30 Pro back on window 2

This week we published our full Huawei P30 Pro review, and oh boy does it live up to the hype. Our reviewers were very impressed with its camera, which topples even the Pixel 3’s low-light photography in our direct comparison. Speaking of Pixel devices, we revisited our Pixel 3 review for 2019, and reported that the Pixel 2 and 2 XL are no longer being sold. That might make some room in the lineup for the upcoming Pixel 3a.

On the more affordable side, we reviewed the Moto G7 and Moto G7 Power, which are fantastic budget devices. The king of budget devices, the Pocophone F1, received a software update that unlocked 4K recording and Game Turbo mode, bringing even more value to the $300 device.

April Fools Day was this week, and Google was up to its usual shenanigans. What wasn’t a joke was the death of yet another Google service, Inbox. We put together a list of alternatives to Inbox for those of you still using it, including a promising service called Spark. There are also ominous signs that Google Play Music may be next up on the chopping block.

Here are the top 10 stories for the week

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On this week’s edition of the podcast we give our thoughts on the end of Inbox and Google Plus, as well as the early rollout of 5G in Chicago.

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