Shopping for shoes is a little bit different than shopping for cloths. You wear shoes every day so it has to work with almost all of your cloths. Or, of course, you simply need more shoes. Additionally, people shop for shoes for different reasons. Athletes like shoes with good arch and ankle support. Fashion-minded folks prefer something that looks good all of the time. Outdoor people prefer boots with some water-proofing that can stand up to mud and other dirty elements. There are no shoe stores that sell all of those things so you have to look around a little bit. We can help with all of those. Here are the best shoe apps for Android for as many different types of shoe as we could find.
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15 best shopping apps for Android
6PM is a unisex fashion stores with shoes, accessories, cloths, and other such items. They boast a massive selection that includes a ton of different brand names. In terms of shoes, the selection has a lot of variety. You can get sports brands like Nike and ADIDAS, fashion brands like UGG, boots, sandals, sneakers, and everything between. We were surprised at how much stuff is actually available. The app does have the occasional bug or problem. One reviewer noted that prices can occasionally change when items are in the cart. However, none of that is bad enough to make 6PM a bad experience. It really is quite good and the selection is outstanding.
Famous Footwear is an established brand. Many people know about this one. The app carries a bunch of shoes from popular brands. You also get free shipping on orders over $75, a membership program, and order tracking features. In terms of selection, the app is above average. You can find sportswear, fashion shoes, and a bunch of other stuff. The app boasts selections from over 1,000 stores around the world. You can also find coupons to save a few bucks as well. The UI isn't half bad and the prices are usually pretty reasonable. It's definitely an above average option for shoe apps.
DSW is another larger retailer of shoes and fashion accessories for both men and women. The selection includes sports shoes, loafers, Oxfords, lace-ups, slip-ons, sandals, slippers, boat shoes, and whatever else you can think of. There are more women's accessory categories than men, but it still does well for both types of fashion. You can find all kinds of stuff from all kinds of brands much like other apps on the list. The app also features order tracking, in-store pickup options, DSW Rewards membership info, and clearance sale prices. The app has its ups and downs, but it generally worked okay for us during testing.
Foot Locker is another larger shoe retailer. This one focuses predominately on sportswear for both men and women. That includes running shoes, cleats, basketball shoes, and even some brands of boots. You also get some other stuff like shirts, shorts, bags, head wear, socks, and other clothing items. It's an excellent spot for sports fans who need some extra pieces of gear. You may have better luck elsewhere with super specialized shoes. However, the vast majority should find Foot Locker's selection adequate. The app itself works as well as can be expected. You can order stuff, track it, view sales, check membership benefits, and find the nearest stores. It works well, but it doesn't break any new ground.
KicksOnFire is an app for sports shoe enthusiasts. You get a lot of the normal stuff. That includes a good selection, a decent order process, and a wishlist for your favorite kicks. However, this one goes a step further with a full calendar of she release dates, possible price tags on new releases, and reminders. This is definitely not an app for people who buy one pair of shoes every year or two. However, some reviewers complain about the company's inconsistency with shipping shoes, customer service, and refunds. Thus, we recommend using it at your own risk. The majority of people are happy with their purchases, but there does seem to be an occasional problem.
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Zappos is a popular website for cloths and shoes. The customer service is above average here as well. Zappos boasts free shipping and free returns as well. You get a decent selection as well with most popular shoe brands somewhere in the app. You can even find old school stuff like skater shoes and Chucks. Of course, it carries cloths and accessories like most of its competitors. The app has a clean UI, but it is occasionally buggy and slow. If you have problems with the app, we recommend creating a wishlist on the app and then finishing your purchase in a web browser. Otherwise, the experience is good.
Zumiez is a skater shop with a bunch of cloths, shoes, and accessories. The variety isn't quite as large as some other shoe apps. It focuses mostly on skater culture stuff. In fact, you can buy actual skateboards here. The shoe selection is slim, but there are a lot of shoe types that you can't find in other outlets, like those fun, bulky skater shoes from the early and mid 2000's. Of course, there are some more modern styles as well. Some of the other stuff you can buy includes shirts, hoodies, bags, snowboarding gear, sunglasses, belts, and other stuff. There is both a men's and women's section as well. It's good if the other stuff feels too much like the same old stuff and you want to try something different.
Retail outlets are pretty decent for most types of shopping and that includes shoes. General retail sites like Amazon have a large selection of shoes and many of them for decent prices. It's not a bad way to go if you just want a simple pair of decent shoes with (usually) a decent return policy in case you get the wrong size. Collectors also like to browse eBay for those occasional rare gems that may surface from time to time. They don't have singular shoe shopping experiences, but they are definitely good enough to browse around and see what's there.
A lot of people do shoe shopping at stores like Kohl's, Walmart, Target, Macy's, and others. Many of those places have individual apps. It's usually better to actually go into the store and look around. However, the apps are good places to surf deals and see inventory that might not be at the nearest locations. Most of these stores also have loyalty memberships and credit cards that you can manage through the app as well. They aren't the best experiences for specifically shoe shopping, but they're not bad for general browsing and looking around. We have the Kohl's app linked up, but you can find any of them on Google Play.
Finally, there are a bunch of individual shoe companies with official apps. Sketchers, Vans, Nike, ADIDAS, and Etnies are among the brands with official apps. You can usually find other stuff like cloths and accessories, but they all have shoes as well. This is a good way to see inventories of individual shoe companies and also compare prices between the official source and retail outlets. These actually aren't the very best ways to shop for shoes, but it's not a terrible way either. Just search Google Play to see if your favorite shoe brand has its own app.
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